Project Describtion Parallel Operation Switching Devices   PLC Matlab

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Removing alternator from the bus

  To remove an alternator from the bus transfer all the loads to the remaining machine

By adjusting the governer controls of both then trip the  CB   of the outgoing machine

And adjust the voltage of the remaining alternator to the desired value

The transfer of the load by tripping the breaker of the outgoing machine ,instead of through governer adjustment .should be avoided ,because  it exerts as ever strain

On the mechanical parts of the machine that takes the load from safety stand points


 If the generator is out of service for an extended period of time ,the disconnect switch or links should be opened  (after generator shut down)  and kept open until the generator is to go back on the line this prevents damage to the machine in the events that the breaker is inadvertently closed


Motorization Of Alternator


If the energy input to the prime mover of an alternator is decreased  to a point where the energy admitted is insufficient to keep the machine running in synchronism with the bus the other machine on the bus will feed into the machine and run it as motor

 at the same speed and in the same direction as before ,this is known as ”motorization” although . motorisation is not harmful  to additational load on the bus

 A reverse power relay also called A power direction relay is provided to trip the machine

 Off the bus if this occur



Instrumentation And Control Of AC Generator


the functional diagram  for  a two generator system shown in the figure

the minimum instrument ,switches and adjustable control that an operating engineer

must be acquainted with when operating AC generator single or in parallel

the connecting lines indicate what each control device operates and where each meter gets its signal

operating controls and connection are drawn with heavy line meter and instrumentation connection are drawn with light lines panel 1 and  3  are identical

generator panels and contain the instruments and controls for the particular machine


panel  2  contain the instruments and control necessary for paralleling

the watt meter and Pf  meter each require both current  and voltage signals .and the

synchronoscope require voltage signal from each generator to determine the error angle


power factor problems Of Alternator In Parallel

individual alternator supplying power to the distribution system have the same power factor as the connecting load however when operating in parallel ,the alternator may have entirely different power factor .when machine are in parallel their terminal voltage are the same yet the acceptance of load by a machine causes its internal voltage to decrease below the bus voltage .hence the machine is said to be under excited for its particular load  the machine that gave up the has its internal voltage increased above the bus voltage and its said to be over excited for its particular load


If the bus load has lagging power factor, which is the general case the internal voltage difference brought about by transfer of load will cause the machine that absorb

some load to take less than its proportional share of the Kvar  thus the machine that accept some load has a lagging power factor than the bus and may be even leading where as the machine that lost some load has amore lagging  Pf  than the bus

although the active power  may be equally divided between machines ,the equal division of reactive power required adjustment  of the internal voltage of each machine ,to do this the  DC  field excitation of the machine that took some load

should be increased and that of other machine    decreased until the power factor indication of each alternator reads the same and lagging .

some installation may use varmeter for the same purpose .the excitation of each machine is adjusted until both machines have the same amount of Kvar  the field excitation of each machine is adjust with its respective field rheostat


machine that are equipped with (avr) don’t require manual adjustment of their field

rheostat to balance the Kvar a compensating  device in the regulator automatically

adjust the Kvar distribution and hence the power factor of each machine .


If they  are not equal the voltage adjusting control of the voltage regulator may be used to provide equalization.

By other ward when the alternator work in over excited mode that making circulating current bass through the to machine that will the super posed of the original current  distribution this current should be added to the load current of machine (1) and subtract from the load current of machine (2)


Effect Of Change In Steam Supply For Two Alternator In Parallel


for two identical machine sharing the load equally ,and the steam supply of machine (1) to be increased the increased power in take has to be utilized  so the alternator (1)

has rotor will decrease in the position with respect to rotor of alternator (2)

 the difference  between E1&E2 cause the current is to followes  is almost =90

is almost in phase with  E1 the power output of machine  1  increase by  E1 is watt per phase since the external load is constant the power output of machine  2  is reduced by the same amount its has a small reactive component so that the reactive loading of two machine remain unchanged

it will be necessary to make small adjustment  in excitation and reduction in steam supply of alternator  2  to keep bus voltage and frequency  constant


synchronised method and problem


there is no advantage in adjusting the incoming machine to have the exact frequency of the bus for if paralleled in such manner the machine would merely float on the line and slight decrease in its input energy would immediately result in motorization

hence  for added protection the frequency of the incoming machine prior to paralleling should be adjusted to above  0.1  cycle higher than the bus frequency .


two generator can not operate at different  frequency when they are in parallel .

hence if the frequency of the incoming machine before paralleling is lower than that of the bus the on the bus will drive the incoming machine  at the high electrical  speed as soon as it is paralleled the energy to motorize the incoming machine comes from the other generator  on the bus if these machine is heavly loaded    the additional  kilowatt required to motorize the incoming machine may be sufficient to trip them off the bus and black out the plant .


if the frequency of the incoming machine before paralleling is higher than of the bus it will take some of the load from the other machine at the instant its paralleled the absorption  of  load by the incoming machine causes its frequency to drop.

A synchroscops ,shown in fig (1)  always  indicate the condition of the incoming machine with respect to the bus if the frequency of the incoming machine is higher than the bus frequency the syncronoscope pointer will revolve in the direction marked “fast ” ,and if the frequency of the incoming machine is lower than the bus frequency the pointer will revolve in the direction  marked “slow”  if the pointer stop at the position after than  0 degree it is indication that the incoming machine is at the same frequency as the bus .


but out of phase by an error angle indicated by the position of the pointer,

to correct this  adjust the governer control of the incoming machine to admit more energy to its prime mover this will result in a slightly higher frequency and will cause the syncronoscope pointer to revolve slowly in the fast direction the machine should be paralleled when the pointer reaches the   0 degree position whill travelling in the fast direction when paralleled the syncroscope pointer will not revolve but will stay at the  0 degree position because there is slight lag in the operation of the breaker  or switching mechanism it is good practice to start the   breaker closing operation 1 or  2  before the  0  degree position thus assuming that the actual closing occurs at about  0 degree a breaker with a 15 cycle closing time takes  15/60  sec for the closing mechanism to complete its operation a 30 cycle closing device takes  ½  sec  for closing to occur ( assume  60 hertz system) .


if the breaker is closed at an angle other than  0 degree (12 o clock ) a cross current will occur between the generator the severity of this cross current depends on how far out of the synchronism  the machine are when the breaker is closed the grater the  error  angle the higher the cross current the worst condition corresponds to an error angle of 180 degree and has the same effect as a short  circuit on both machines the resulting tremendous force on the generator winding and other conductors could be disastrous .


 fig (2 )   show how the error angle changes with time when the voltage of the incoming machine has a higher Frequency than that of the bus. under no circumstances, emergency or otherwise, should the breaker be closed when the error angle exceeds 15 '.

Synchronizing lamps provid ameans for checking the synch. Roscope.and may be used as asccondry method for determining the correct instant for paralleling.if the synchroscope. is defective synchronizing-lamp. connections are shown in fig(3).


 If the frequncyof the incoming machine up to speed, both lamps will go alternately brigh and dark in unison.the significant correspondence between the synchroscope. and the synchronizing lamps is the 0' –lamp dark relation ship.when the lamps are dark, the synchroscope pointer must be at 0'. or the synchroscope is defective. the lamps are always correct.


assuming that they are not burn ed out. when the using lamps for synchronizing the duration of  the dark period should be timed, and the breaker closed midway through the dark period. timing is important because the dark period may extend over 8' or more of error angle. lamps used for this purpose are generally of the nonfrosted type. Both lamps must have same voltage and wattage relatings. The voltage 

Rating must be as specified by the manufacture.


In the most application the generator voltage is greater than 250 volt rms. Potential transformer are  connected between the generator and the synchroscope [or lamps] to reduce the voltage to the rated voltage of the synchroscope or the lamps. Accidental

Reversing of the connection in the primary of secondary of the transformer will cause the synchroscope and the synchronizing lamps to give false indications. The synchroscope will indicate to 0' and lamp will be dark when the generator is 180' out of phase with the bus.


voltage failure of AC generator.


voltage failure of an AC generator may be caused by an open in the field circuit, an open in the field rheostat, or failure of the exciter generator. A voltage check of the exciter generator will determine if it is at fault. To test the rheostat, short circuit its terminals and observe the alternator voltage. A Buildup of voltage indicates an open rheostat. If the exciter is operating at rated voltage and the alternator fails to buildup when the rheostat  is short-circuited, the trouble is in the field circuit  or the wires connecting the exciter to the field. The loss of field excitation to generator operating in parallel with others causes it to lose load and over speed.


 Unless tripped off the bus is a short time, the machine may be damaged by excessively high temperature; high armature current caused by the high voltage differential between the armature and the bus and the high currents induced in the field iron and field windings by the armature current. Will cause rapid heating of the apparatus. However, if the loss in excitation is identified as caused by accidental tripping of the voltage-regulator switch or field breaker the immediate reclosing of the respective

switch or breaker should restore service.

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